• Features:
  • productconfigurator

The briefing was to build a feature within Lightspeed eCom that makes it possible to offer a number of products that can be chosen step by step. Not as the familiar "related" products or as a standard bundle, but as a package of products that fit together and can be ordered as one combined package: for example, a roof gutter of a certain size, with coupling and end pieces, a number of mounting brackets and other accessories.

This means that the individual customised products must be able to be related to each other via the LS back office, after which they can be assembled via the shop in a number of steps into 1 composite order. It was important that the products could also be sold as individual products.

Dakenlood.nl specialises in everything to do with gutters and leadwork for water drainage and roofing. The webshop sells all separate parts, but the question was whether we could build a choice assistant (configurator) that could cleverly configure a composite order of products that fit together (and on each other). This had to take into account the various sizes and compositions in, for example, diameter or product variety of the products to be selected.

The mutual "dependencies" had to be built in, while all products could be bought separately, and the stock per product could be kept. Totalli therefore built an assent that is built up in steps and that can be managed optimally via Lightspeed's back office. The visitor is asked to make a choice by means of steps, and the subsequent steps are attuned to this in the best possible way.

Client: Dakenlood.nl
Year: 2021
Tags: custom feature configurator